11th. InterAmerican Oncology Conference ‘Current Status and Future of Anti-Cancer Targeted Therapies’
The conference agenda will focus on new translational advances in the treatment of cancer as well as provide updates of conventional therapies for a number of the most common tumor types. The major emphasis will be on clinical aspects of cancer treatment in the 21st century with discussion of significant scientific advances underlying the novel approaches still in preclinical development.The hybrid format will include two day in –person live program and online presentations. Participants will have the option to attend live or virtually. Online attendees will be able to view presentations, hear live audio, and interact online.Based on previous experience, we anticipate attendance by more than 2500 scientists, practicing oncologists, basic and clinical translational investigators, and health care workers from Latin America, USA and Europe. Date: 17-18 JULY , 2025HYBRID CONFERENCE: in person in Buenos Aires and virtual online.VENUE: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Conference secretariat: secretariat@oncologyconferences.orgWebsite: oncologyconferences.org Check the website