Consolidation chemotherapy following concurrent chemoradiation for stage III non-small cell lung cancer: a brazilian multicentric cohort
Vladmir Cordeiro de Lima, Clarissa Baldotto, Carlos Barrios, Eldsamira Sobrinho, Mauro Zukin, Clarissa Mathias, Facundo Zaffaroni, Rodrigo Nery, Gabriel Madeira, Alex Amadio, Guilherme Geib, Juliano Coelho, Maria Fernanda Simões, Gilberto De Castro JrJournal of Thoracic Oncology , Volume 12 , Issue 1 , S865 - S866 Full link:
Updated Analysis of Global Epidemiology of EGFR Mutation in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
IASLC 7th Latin American Conference on Lung CancerGustavo Werutsky, Marcio Debiasi, Fernanda H. Sampaio, Paulo R. Nunes Filho, Clarissa Mathias, Mauro Zukin, Facundo Zaffaroni, Gilberto LopesJournal of Thoracic Oncology , Volume 11 , Issue 10 , S184 - S185 Full link:
Impact of Regulatory Delays in Drug Approval: Mortality and Morbidity Due to With Lack of Access to Crizotinib in Brazil
Pablo Moura Barrios, Marcio Debiasi, Gilberto Lopes, Carlos H. BarriosOctober 2016 Volume 11, Issue 10, Supplement, Page S215 Full link:
Global Epidemiology of EGFR Mutation in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Gustavo Werutsky, M. Debiasi, F.H.D. Sampaio, P.R.S. Nunes Filho, G.D.L. Lopes Júnior
Incidence and mortality rates of breast and gynecologic cancers and human development index in the pan-American region
Jeovany Martínez-Mesa, Gustavo Werutsky, Carlos Alberto Sampaio-Filho, Aknar Calabrich, Carlos H. Barrios J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr e12510) Full link:
A phase II randomized study of lapatinib in combination with capecitabine, vinorelbine or gemcitabine as first or second line-therapy in patients with HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer progressing after taxane
(LACOG 0801).Gomez H, Neciosup S, Tosello C, Mano M, Bines J, Ismael G, Santi PX, Pinczowsky H, Neron Y, Fanelli M, Fein L, Sampaio C, Lerzo G, Capo A, Zarba JJ, Blajman C, Varela MS, Martínez-Mesa J, Werutsky G, Barrios CH.San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2013; Abstract P4-12-26 Full link:
Inequities in Pap smear screening for cervical cancer between Brazilian urban and rural populations.
Jeovany Martínez-Mesa, Gustavo Werutsky, Carlos Alberto Sampaio-Filho, Aknar Calabrich, Carlos H. BarriosJ Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr e12510) Full link:
A randomized, open-label, phase II study of lapatinib / capecitabine, lapatinib / vinorelbine, or lapatinib / gemcitabine in patients with ErbB2-amplified metastatic breast cancer progressing after taxane treatment: Results of an interim analysis (GLICO-0801 / EGF111792).
Henry Gomez, Silvia P. Neciosup, Celia Tosello, Patricia Xavier, Yeni Neron do Nascimento, Marcelo Fanelli, Gustavo Ismael, Jose Bines, Carlos Sampaio, Guillermo Luis Lerzo, Adolfo Miguel Capo, Max S. Mano, Luis Fein, Gustavo Werutsky, Carlos H. Barrios
A randomized, open-label, phase II study of lapatinib / capecitabine, lapatinib / vinorelbine, or lapatinib / gemcitabine in patients with ErbB2-amplified metastatic breast cancer progressing after taxane treatment: Results of an interim analysis
(GLICO-0801 / EGF111792).Henry Leonidas Gomez, Silvia P. Neciosup, Celia Tosello, Patricia Xavier, Yeni Neron do Nascimento, Marcelo Fanelli, Gustavo Ismael, Jose Bines, Carlos Sampaio, Guillermo Luis Lerzo, Adolfo Miguel Capo, Max S. Mano, Luis Fein, Gustavo Werutsky, Carlos H. BarriosJ Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr e11087) Full link: