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  /    /  LACOG 0522 – DORA

DORA Trial: Phase III Trial of Docetaxel vs. Docetaxel and Radium-223 for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)

Type of Study: Clinical Trial

Sponsor / Support: PCCTC – The Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium, MSKCC – Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Bayer Healthcare, LACOG (Brazil)

Primary Objectives: Compare overall survival for subjects treated with docetaxel versus subjects treated with docetaxel plus Radium-223.

Design: open-labeled, randomized, phase III study of docetaxel versus docetaxel in combination with Radium-223 in subjects with mCRPC

Sample Size: 738 patients (global) / 75 patients (Brazil)

Principal Investigator: Michael J. Morris / André Fay (PI Lead in Brazil)

Countries LATAM: Brazil Identifier: NCT03574571

The study is open to patients participation in the following research sites:

Núcleo de Pesquisa São Camilo - IBCC Oncologia / São Paulo / SP / Brazil

Hospital Moinhos de Vento / Porto Alegre / RS / Brazil