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  /    /  LACOG 0222 – GASPAR

Epidemiological characteristics of gastric and pancreatic cancers in Latin America

Type of Study: Epidemiological

Sponsor / Support: LACOG, Astellas, Gaico – Grupo Argentino de Investigación Clínica en Oncología, GTG – Grupo Brasileiro de Tumores Gastrointestinais

Primary Objectives: Describe the clinical characteristics, treatment patterns and outcomes of patients with pancreatic, gastric and gastroesophageal junction cancer in Latin America

Design: This is a bi-directional (retrospective and prospective) observational cohort study.

Sample Size: 200 patients

Principal Investigator: Renata D’Alpino

Countries LATAM: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia Identifier: NCT05924789

The study is open to patients participation in the following research sites:


CEPON - Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas / Florianópolis / SC / Brazil

HMV - Hospital Moinhos de Vento / Porto Alegre / RS / Brazil

ÉTICA Clínica AMO - Assistência Multidisciplinar em Oncologia / Salvador / BA / Brazil

BP - A Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo / São Paulo / SP / Brazil

A.C. Camargo Cancer Center / São Paulo / SP / Brazil


Instituto de Oncología San Gerónimo - Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz / Santa Fe / Argentina

Instituto Alexander Fleming / Buenos Aires / Argentina


Fundación CTIC / Bogotá / Colombia