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  /    /  LACOG 1120 – RENAL REGISTRY

Clinicopathological characteristics and outcomes of patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma in Latin America

Type of Study: Epidemiological

Sponsor / Support: LACOG

Primary Objectives: The primary objective of the study is build real world evidence for renal cell carcinoma treatment and outcomes in Latin America

Design: This study is observational, retrospective and prospective, analytical. 

Sample Size: 204 patients

Principal Investigator: André Poisl Fay

Countries LATAM: Brazil

The study is open to patients participation in the following research sites:

CPO Hospital São Lucas da PUCRS / Porto Alegre / RS / Brazil

Oncocentro / Fortaleza / CE / Brazil

CTTB – Centro de Tratamento de Tumores Botafogo (Oncoclínicas RJ) / Rio de Janeiro / RJ / Brazil

Hospital Porto Dias / Belém / PA / Brazil

Clínica Onconeo LTDA / Campo Grande / MS / Brazil

Clínica de Hematologia e Oncologia Viver / Santa Maria / RS / Brazil

Hospital Evangélico de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim – Centro de Pesquisa Clínica em Oncologia (CPCO) / Cachoeiro de Itapemirim / ES / Brazil

Hemomed Instituto de Oncologia e Hematologia / São Paulo / SP / Brazil

Onco-Vida Instituto Especializado de Oncologia / Brasília / DF / Brazil