Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials (RCT) for the adjuvant treatment of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with vascular endothelial growth factor receptor tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (VEGFR TKIs).
Daniel Vargas Almeida, Cleyton Z. Oliveira, Andrey Soares, RODRIGO COUTINHO MARIANO, Denis L Jardim, Diogo Assed Bastos, Fernando C. Maluf, Gustavo Werutsky, Fernando Sabino M Monteiro, Vinicius Carrera Souza, Guillermo de Velasco, Andre P. Fay, Andre Deeke Sasse, Fabio A. B. Schutz ASCO 2019; J Clin Oncol 37, 2019 15_suppl.4579, published online only Full link:
The LACOG-0415 phase II trial: abirateroneacetate and ADT versus apalutamide versusabiraterone acetate and apalutamide inpatients with advanced prostate cancerwith non-castration testosterone levels
Gustavo Werutsky, Fernando Cotait Maluf, Eduardo Henrique Cronemberger, Vinicius Carrera Souza, Suelen Patricia dos Santos Martins, Fábio Peixoto, Oren Smaletz, Fábio Schutz, Daniel Herchenhorn, Telma Santos, Flavio Mavignier Carcano, David Queiroz Muniz, Paulo R. S. Nunes Filho, Facundo Zaffaroni, Carlos Barrios and André Fay BMC Cancer
HPV Vaccination in Latin America: Global Challenges and Feasible Solutions
Angelica Nogueira-Rodrigues