LACOG | Purpose
Cancer Research Collaboration in Latin America

LACOG is an organisation dedicated to support and develop cancer research in Latin America. In the last years we have built a professional structure, the LACOG Coordinating Office, which attends the demands of our clinical trials and intergroup studies. LACOG is a partner of Projeto CURA to promote fundraise activities and support cancer research projects that are critical to the diverse population of Latin American patients. Working together we will improve patient care in Latin America.
Gustavo Werutsky, MD, LACOG Executive Director

Latin America has more than 600 million people and 1 million new cases of cancer every year. Clinical research is an opportunity for cancer patients, however only 7,5% of cancer clinical trials are open in the region. To promote and develop cancer research to our patients, LACOG has built a credible platform, supported by the qualified effort and dedication of our investigators from all over Latin America.
Dr Carlos Barrios, MD, LACOG President

More than 70 epidemiological studies and clinical trials

More than 19.500 patients enrolled

More than 135 abstracts and articles published

More than 30 educational events performed

597 members
276 hospitals and research sites
17 countries
Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela
LACOG | Cancer research
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