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Author: lacog

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In this annual multidisciplinary meeting, attended by all professionals related to breast cancer, a comprehensive review of the advances in research, diagnosis and treatment of this disease is carried out.The main objective of this event is to become the reference for all those interested in knowing in an independent, complete and critical way the advances in breast cancer. The event will take place on June 17th and 18th in a virtual format. Sign up on the website:: Check out the event schedule

Live Webinar, Saturday July 3th The program will offer a scientific update including original presentations from the 2021 ASCO® Annual Meeting. Renowned international speakers will select the most significant studies and provide insights on how the results may impact on clinical practice. Relevant regional speakers will complement the presentations by demonstrating the impact on clinical practice with updates to current treatment algorithms. Each section will feature a rich clinical discussion moderated by the Program chair and co-chair, complemented by opportunities for questions to be raised by the participating audience. This program has been made possible through Platinum sponsorship from MSD and Silver sponsorship from BIOMM. Register to participate

Sibylle Loibl, Frederik Marmé, Miguel Martin, Michael Untch, Hervé Bonnefoi, Sung-Bae Kim, Harry Bear, Nicole McCarthy, Mireia Melé Olivé, Karen Gelmon, José García-Sáenz, Catherine M. Kelly, Toralf Reimer, Masakazu Toi, Hope S. Rugo, Carsten Denkert, Michael Gnant, Andreas Makris, Maria Koehler, Cynthia Huang-Bartelett, Maria Jose Lechuga Frean, Marco Colleoni, Gustavo Werutsky, Sabine Seiler, Nicole Burchardi, Valentina Nekljudova, Gunter von Minckwitz - Journal of Clinical Oncology. April 01, 2021.

Erica L Mayer, Amylou C Dueck, Miguel Martin, Gabor Rubovszky, Harold J Burstein, Meritxell Bellet-Ezquerra, Kathy D Miller, Nicholas Zdenkowski, Eric P Winer, Georg Pfeiler, Matthew Goetz, Manuel Ruiz-Borrego, Daniel Anderson Zbigniew Nowecki, Sibylle Loibl, Stacy Moulder, Alistair Ring, Florian Fitzal, Tiffany Traina, Arlene Chan, Hope S Rugo, Julie Lemieux, Fernando Henao, Alan Lyss, Silvia Antolin Novoa, Antonio C Wolff, Marcus Vetter, Daniel Egle, Patrick G Morris, Eleftherios P Mamounas, Miguel J Gil-Gil, Aleix Prat, Hannes Fohler, Otto Metzger Filho, Magdalena Schwarz, Carter Du Frane, Debora Fumagalli, Kathy Puyana Theall, Dongrui Ray, Cynthia Huang, Maria Koehler, Christian Fesl, Angela De Michele, Michael Gnant - The Lancet Oncology. Volume 22, Issue 2, February 2021

Evento em formato virtual contará com palestrantes nacionais e internacionais em sua programação para discutir os principais avanços no diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer de mama. Entre os dias 9 e 11 de março de 2021, se realizará a Conferência Brasileira de Câncer de Mama 2021, e o evento oficial licenciado Best of SABCS Brazil. Este evento é organizado pelo Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) e Grupo Brasileiro de Estudos em Câncer de Mama (GBECAM), instituições brasileiras dedicadas à educação e pesquisa em câncer de mama. O evento deste ano será em formato virtual e reunirá especialistas nacionais e internacionais para debater os principais avanços no diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer de mama. O primeiro dia do evento será dedicado ao Best of SABCS Brazil, no qual os participantes poderão acompanhar o que foi destaque no San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium – realizado em dezembro de 2020, nos Estados Unidos. O SABCS é um dos mais relevantes congressos mundiais que debate pesquisa básica, translacional e clínica em câncer de mama. Os principais temas abordados no encontro serão agora apresentados e discutidos com exclusividade no Brasil. Nos outros dias do evento teremos módulos dedicados ao tratamento de doença inicial e metastática apresentando