Real World data and patterns of care of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in Brazil: First results of LACOG 0312 retrospective study
Barrios CH, Uema D, Cronenberger E, Lima V, Bines J, de Sant'ana RO, Batista ML, Dybal V, Liedke P, Beato C, Nerón YV, Giacomazzi J, dos Santos L, Ismael G, Azambuja A, Andrade D, Rosa DD, Borges G, Mano M, Martinez-Mesa J, Zaffaroni F, Werutsky G Cancer Res February 2017Volume 77, Issue 4 Supplement Full link:
Consolidation chemotherapy following concurrent chemoradiation for stage III non-small cell lung cancer: a brazilian multicentric cohort
Vladmir Cordeiro de Lima, Clarissa Baldotto, Carlos Barrios, Eldsamira Sobrinho, Mauro Zukin, Clarissa Mathias, Facundo Zaffaroni, Rodrigo Nery, Gabriel Madeira, Alex Amadio, Guilherme Geib, Juliano Coelho, Maria Fernanda Simões, Gilberto De Castro JrJournal of Thoracic Oncology , Volume 12 , Issue 1 , S865 - S866 Full link:
Estratégias para vencer a resistência à terapia anti-HER2
Márcio Debiasi, Paulo Nunes Filho, Carolina Albuquerque e Valeria Sgnaolin
Updated Analysis of Global Epidemiology of EGFR Mutation in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
IASLC 7th Latin American Conference on Lung CancerGustavo Werutsky, Marcio Debiasi, Fernanda H. Sampaio, Paulo R. Nunes Filho, Clarissa Mathias, Mauro Zukin, Facundo Zaffaroni, Gilberto LopesJournal of Thoracic Oncology , Volume 11 , Issue 10 , S184 - S185 Full link:
Estimation of Premature Deaths From Lack of Access to Anti-HER2 Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer in the Brazilian Public Health System
Márcio Debiasi, Tomás Reinert, Rafael Kaliks, Gilberto Amorim, Maira Caleffi, Carlos Sampaio, Gustavo dos Santos Fernandes and Carlos H. BarriosJournal of Global Oncology 3, no. 3 (June 2017) 201-207. Full link:
Radiotherapy for diffuse brainstem glioma in children and young adults
Xin Hu, Yuan Fang, Xuhui Hui, Yan Jv, Chao You DOI: Full link:
Exploiting HPV-induced carcinogenesis for a rational drug development in cervical cancer.
Nogueira-Rodrigues A, Melo AC, Werutsky G, Garces AH, Ferreira CG.
A Phase II Randomized Study of Lapatinib Combined With Capecitabine, Vinorelbine, or Gemcitabine in Patients With HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer With Progression After a Taxane (Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group 0801 Study)
Novel targeted agents and combinations have become available in multiple lines of treatment for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (HER2+) metastatic breast cancer (MBC). In this context, alternatives to the lapatinib (L) and capecitabine (C) regimen, evaluating L combined with other cytotoxic drugs, are warranted.
Progress and remaining challenges for cancer control in Latin America and the Caribbean
Martínez-Mesa J, Werutsky G, Campani RB, Wehrmeister FC, Barrios CH.
Impact of Regulatory Delays in Drug Approval: Mortality and Morbidity Due to With Lack of Access to Crizotinib in Brazil
Pablo Moura Barrios, Marcio Debiasi, Gilberto Lopes, Carlos H. BarriosOctober 2016 Volume 11, Issue 10, Supplement, Page S215 Full link: