Estimation of Premature Deaths From Lack of Access to Anti-HER2 Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer in the Brazilian Public Health System
Márcio Debiasi, Tomás Reinert, Rafael Kaliks, Gilberto Amorim, Maira Caleffi, Carlos Sampaio, Gustavo dos Santos Fernandes and Carlos H. BarriosJournal of Global Oncology 3, no. 3 (June 2017) 201-207. Full link:
Radiotherapy for diffuse brainstem glioma in children and young adults
Xin Hu, Yuan Fang, Xuhui Hui, Yan Jv, Chao You DOI: Full link:
Exploiting HPV-induced carcinogenesis for a rational drug development in cervical cancer.
Nogueira-Rodrigues A, Melo AC, Werutsky G, Garces AH, Ferreira CG.
A Phase II Randomized Study of Lapatinib Combined With Capecitabine, Vinorelbine, or Gemcitabine in Patients With HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer With Progression After a Taxane (Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group 0801 Study)
Novel targeted agents and combinations have become available in multiple lines of treatment for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (HER2+) metastatic breast cancer (MBC). In this context, alternatives to the lapatinib (L) and capecitabine (C) regimen, evaluating L combined with other cytotoxic drugs, are warranted.
Progress and remaining challenges for cancer control in Latin America and the Caribbean
Martínez-Mesa J, Werutsky G, Campani RB, Wehrmeister FC, Barrios CH.
The Global Conduct of Cancer Clinical Trials: Challenges and Opportunities
Carlos H. Barrios, MD, Gustavo Werutsky, MD, and Jeovany Martinez-Mesa, MD, PhD
In Reply to Chang and colleagues
Christine Pfund, PhD, Christine A. Sorkness, PharmD, Angela Byars-Winston, PhD, and Stephen B. Thomas, PhDDOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000638 Full link:
Progress and remaining challenges for cancer control in Latin America and the Caribbean
Kathrin Strasser-Weippl, Yanin Chavarri-Guerra, Cynthia Villarreal-Garza, Brittany L Bychkovsky, Marcio Debiasi, Pedro E R Liedke, Enrique Soto-Perez-de-Celis, Don Dizon, Eduardo Cazap, Gilberto de Lima Lopes Jr, Diego Touya, Jo?o Soares Nunes, Jessica St Louis, Caroline Vail, Alexandra Bukowski, Pier Ramos-Elias, Karla Unger-Saldaña, Denise Froes Brandao, Mayra E Ferreyra, Silvana Luciani, Angelica Nogueira-Rodrigues, Aknar Freire de Carvalho Calabrich, Marcela G Del Carmen, Jose Alejandro Rauh-Hain, Kathleen Schmeler, Raúl Sala, Paul E Goss DOI: Lancet Oncol 2015; 16: 1405-38 Full link:
Field work I: selecting the instrument for data collection
Bastos JL, Duquia RP, González-Chica DA, Martínez-Mesa J, Bonamigo RR.
Sample size: how many participants do I need in my research?
Martínez-Mesa J, González-Chica DA, Bastos JL, Bonamigo RR, Duquia RP