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Essa é a primeira edição do evento educacional LATAM CANCER CONNECTION, uma iniciativa do LACOG e da MSD. Oncologistas renomados em câncer de mama, ginecológico e genitourinário apresentarão as principais atualizações das áreas no cenário mundial. O objetivo dos encontros é levar o conhecimento técnico para a prática clínica na América Latina. O evento acontecerá nos dias 29 a 31 de março, a partir das 19 horas. A programação será online e gratuita, e terá tradução para o português e espanhol. Acesse o site e saiba mais

  A Conferência Brasileira de Câncer de Mama - Best of SABCS Brazil é um evento organizado pelo Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) e pelo Grupo Brasileiro de Estudos em Câncer de Mama (GBECAM), instituições brasileiras dedicadas à educação e pesquisa em Câncer de Mama. A conferência tem como objetivo trazer atualizações do tratamento de doença inicial e metastática, apresentando as novas perspectivas e aplicabilidade dos testes moleculares e genéticos em câncer de mama, além dos principais avanços em cirurgia, radioterapia, tratamentos sistêmicos e o impacto na prática clínica. O Best of SABCS Brazil é um evento oficialmente licenciado do San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, um dos mais relevantes congressos mundiais que debate pesquisa básica, translacional e clínica em câncer de mama. Neste evento são apresentados os principais abstracts do SABCS na íntegra, e discutidos seus resultados e impacto na prática clínica.   Inscreva-se gratuitamente

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has still prevented on-site attendance at this year’s WCLC (September 8th - September 14th) and ESMO meeting (September 16th – September 21st), the global oncology community presented a large range of relevant and potentially practice-changing findings. This report summarizes important findings relating to the management of patients with lung cancer, starting with the expansion of treatments and insights in the early-stage disease setting. A multitude of studies investigating drugs targeting EGFR and HER2 are presented as well as checkpoint inhibition that is being implemented in other entities apart from NSCLC such as small-cell lung cancer and mesothelioma. Last but not least, this special issue includes a section about anti-cancer vaccination after failure of immune checkpoint inhibition and a first-in-class selective immunomodulating microtubule-binding agent that has the potential of a preferred second/third-line treatment option in the setting of NSCLC with EGFR wildtype. Download the full report

July 14-15, 2022 | Online and On-Demand The Lancet Summit: Cancer care in Asia and Latin America will bring together key opinion leaders from across Asia and Latin America to highlight clinical and global oncology topics relevant for both regions in a post-pandemic world.  The programme will encourage delegates to share experiences and learnings in both settings, foster interdisciplinary and multinational collaboration, and help inspire ideas to restore and improve cancer care and control. Topics include: Impact of COVID-19 on cancer care - future challenges and prioritiesHealth systems resiliencePalliative careCancer politics and policyNew technologies in cancer care Submissions are invited for contributed talks by February 18, 2022. To view the speakers and register visit:

  The Innovation in Breast Cancer Symposium, will be held in online format on February 17th and 18th, 2022. The two-day international scientific program aims to provide state-of-the-art information on breast cancer, achieving a balance of clinical, translational, and basic research, as well as providing a forum for interaction, communication, and interdisciplinary education for specialists with a special interest in breast cancer.     The registration period is now open. You can find all the information on the website through which you will have access to the registration section, general information, etc. Learn more:

  It is with great satisfaction that we invite you all to participate in the conference SNOLA 2022 – Translational research to current and future treatments, which will take place on February 11th and 12th, 2022, 100% online. This will be the largest and most complete Neuro Oncology event in Latin America. Snola was born and remains focused on making accessible the content of knowledge and integration of all areas involved in oncological treatments of the of the Central Nervous System, therefore, we are committed to delivering the best of the best to Latin American specialists, as we always seek to do. Our last biannual congress had more than 1000 participants, 201 brazilian speakers, 76 international speakears and 7 sponsor. This success was achieved despite all the difficulties that this multidisciplinary area faces in scientific and practical terms. The world pandemic scenario made us change our plans, and the conference that would take place in 2020 in Buenos Aires had to be postponed. In view of the new reality, we proposed to hold the congress 100% online with scientific programming focused on what is new in our field, themes and studies that have shownpromise for new protocols, new approaches to the already known ones, as well

  Sign up for London Global Cancer Week 2021! Renowned international speakers will be discussing the impact of the Pandemic and the post-COVID-19 changes in the area of oncology in Latin America. The online event will take place on Friday, November 19th, 2 pm - 4 pm (GMT) - 10 am -12 am (BRT).  

This report highlights immunotherapeutic standards in early-stage lung cancer. Moreover, strategies against sensitizing and resistance-mediating EGFR mutations as well as current perspectives regarding KRAS, MET, ROS1 and HER2 mutations are covered. Furthermore, immunotherapies and immunosupportive mechansims via e.g. anti-angiogenesis are addressed. Last but not least, this special issue includes a section about new vistas for patients with SCLC and expert interviews regarding resistance as one of the biggest challenges with targeted therapies. As an additional feature, you will find expert video interviews with Martin Reck, Luis Paz-Ares, David T. Cooke, Donald Harvey, and Ferdinandos Skoulidis on different conference highlights on our website. Download the full report

Brazilian researchers are asking for funding for a study that is close to identifying the best course of preoperative treatment for breast cancer and which will have benefits for women around the world. The Projeto Cura Institute has launched a campaign for donations from the public: "Together we can be stronger than Cancer", which is aiming to raise enough funds to enable data to be processed for one year as part of a completely Brazilian-based piece of research into the sequences for the treatment of HER2-negative type breast cancer. The NeoSamba study is a randomized clinical trial, which is now in phase 3. It is examining a new sequence of treatment including neoadjuvant chemotherapy (before breast surgery) and intends to monitor the treatment of almost 500 women over three years. During ASCO, the conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, in 2018, Dr. José Bines, the principal investigator for the study, talked about the conclusion of Phase II of NeoSamba. The research was conducted by the National Cancer Institute (INCA) and it investigated the cases of 118 patients to assess whether changing the order of the drugs in the anthracyclines and taxane classes (some of the most commonly-used drugs for chemotherapy) would