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Characteristics of patients diagnosed with cervical cancer in Brazil: preliminary results of the prospective cohort EVITA study (EVA001/LACOG 0215)

Angélica Nogueira Rodrigues, Andréia Cristina de Melo, Aknar Freire de Carvalho Calabrich, Eduardo Cronenberge, Kátia Luz Torres, Fernanda Damian, Rachel Cossetti, Carla Rameri Alexandre Silva de Azevedo, Allex Jardim da Fonseca, Yeni Nerón, João Nunes, André Lopes, Felipe Thomé, Renato Leal, Giuliano Borges, Arthur Ferreira da Silva, Matheus Füehr Rodrigues, Paulo Ricardo Santos Nunes Filho, Facundo Zaffaroni, Raquel Dal Sasso Freitas, Gustavo Werutsky and Fernando Maluf.


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