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O IBC Lisbon 2021 trata-se um evento com um programa científico internacional, com a duração de dois dias e que visa fornecer informações de última geração sobre o câncer de mama, fomentando o equilíbrio entre a investigação clínica, translacional e básica, bem como, proporcionar um fórum de interação, discussão e aprendizagem para médicos e farmacêuticos hospitalares e outros especialistas (profissionais de saúde e investigadores) com especial interesse no câncer de mama. Data: de 14/10/2021 a 15/10/2021Local: OnlineEndereço: Lisboa, PortugalInvestimento/Taxa de Inscrição: 350€ (IVA incluído)Inscrições:

Live Webinar, Saturday October 16th 10 renowned experts will discuss advances in the ESMO IN FOCUS LATAM 2021 Webinar and clinical challenges in Latin America. ESMO IN FOCUS is an Official ESMO program. The program will offer selected topics, including original presentations from the ESMO CONGRESS 2021. Renowned international speakers will select the most significant studies and comment on the main results with clinical impact. Relevant regional speakers will complement the presentation, demonstrating changes in clinical practice with updates to the treatment algorithm. Each section will feature a rich clinical discussion moderated by the program Chair and Co-Chair, complemented by questions from the participating audience. Register here to participate: Simultaneous translation: English/Spanish/Portuguese ESMO in Focus – Webinar LATAM 2021 is an officially licensed program of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), licensed exclusively by Springer Health do Brasil Ltda., sponsored by MSD in Latin America. © Copyright 2021 European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved. This programme is made available in Latin America solely for educational and informational purposes and personal use only. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

GU Review is in its 5th edition, and has become a long awaited event for oncologists. Annually, the scientific program is developed with the most actual in the treatment and diagnosis of genitourinary neoplasms. This year the congress will be broadcast online, and will present modules such as Kidney, Prostate, Penile and Bladder Cancer, bringing important national and international experts to discuss relevant topics in these areas. Subscribe now:

The International Congress of Oncological Gynecology is an event that is already part of the calendar of doctors and healthcare professionals. The congress is always carefully prepared to update and encourage constructive discussions for daily practice. The scientific program is designed to bring experienced professionals and authorities in gynecology oncology who can contribute with highly relevant and current topics. In this 9th edition, the highlights of the scientific program are: Endometrium Carcinoma, Uterus and Vulva Cancer, Pathology, Genetics and Ovarian Masses, Early Ovary Cancer and Advanced Ovary Cancer, as well as Discussion of Clinical Cases. Subscribe now:

2020: A year of challenges and learnings The pandemic has had an undeniable impact on our daily lives, not just on LACOG's operational activities, but also on the research sites that contribute to the studies. But despite all the difficulties, we managed to adapt over the year and 2020 has been a positive one for us. We know how important the studies we carry out are for patients, and even during the pandemic, research sites have done an extraordinary job to continue treating patients safely.   We would like to thank our staff, members, partners, research centers, patients and donors for the support they have given to the LACOG mission, which is to improve cancer research and cancer patient care in Latin America.  We invite you to download LACOG’s Annual Report and discover our achievements of the last year, as well as find out more about our trajectory which seeks to have an impact on Latin American lives through cancer research. Download 2020 Annual Report

This Wednesday (16), the public was informed about the winner research of The Renata Thormann Procianoy Award, which was idealized by the Instituto Projeto Cura. The investigation, named “Randomized study addressing the use of hand-held power heater versus observation to reduce the discomfort during scalp cooling, to prevent the alopecia induced by chemotherapy”, is led by Dr. Luciana Landeiro and aims at providing overall and thermal comfort to breast cancer patients exposed to scalp cooling during their chemotherapy treatment, as an attempt to prevent the Alopecia Areata (loss of hair). The awarding ceremony was held on the 16th, as part of the 2021 Best of ASCO Annual Meeting – Brazil Edition. Winner Profile Female and born in the Northeast area of Brazil, Dr. Luciana Landeiro has defined breast cancer and gynecological tumors as her main area of investigation. The physician initiated her professional trajectory as a scholarship fellow in a Hepatology research group at the Federal University of Bahia. Years later, during her Oncology medical residence, she focused her efforts in the improvement of life quality for oncological patients. Additionally, she attended post-graduation in clinical research at the Harvard Medical School. Subsequently, during her PhD course in Clinical Oncology, at the São

The latest memo inOncology SPECIAL ISSUE summarizes a selection of abstracts of clinical interest ranging from early-stage disease to the metastatic setting. This report brings the role of adjuvant chemotherapy as well as targeted options and sequencing issues with KRAS, HER2 and ALK mutations into focus. Moreover, novel treatment approaches in the EGFR-mutated NSCLC and small-cell lung cancer, relapsed malignant mesothelioma or pretreated NSCLC are among other topics reviewed. As an additional feature, you will find expert video interviews with Alex Spira, Luis M. Montuenga & Ming Tsao on different conference highlights on our website. Another video interview with Sandip Patel will be released beginning of April. Download full report  The memo inOncology Special Issue report is produced by Springer, as a supplement of memo (the Magazine of European Medical Oncology) and sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and BeiGene with an unrestricted educational grant. For more information on the memo inOncology Special Issue series, and for free access to all previous editions, visit the memo-inOncology website.

In this annual multidisciplinary meeting, attended by all professionals related to breast cancer, a comprehensive review of the advances in research, diagnosis and treatment of this disease is carried out.The main objective of this event is to become the reference for all those interested in knowing in an independent, complete and critical way the advances in breast cancer. The event will take place on June 17th and 18th in a virtual format. Sign up on the website:: Check out the event schedule

Live Webinar, Saturday July 3th The program will offer a scientific update including original presentations from the 2021 ASCO® Annual Meeting. Renowned international speakers will select the most significant studies and provide insights on how the results may impact on clinical practice. Relevant regional speakers will complement the presentations by demonstrating the impact on clinical practice with updates to current treatment algorithms. Each section will feature a rich clinical discussion moderated by the Program chair and co-chair, complemented by opportunities for questions to be raised by the participating audience. This program has been made possible through Platinum sponsorship from MSD and Silver sponsorship from BIOMM. Register to participate