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Author: lacog

  /  Articles posted by lacog (Page 17)

  TheConexão Uro-Onco is a scientific resource center dedicated to Brazilian oncologists who aims to be up-to-date with scientific progress, discussions which enhance the knowledge and support their clinical decision-making on prostate cancer.   With scientific support and endorsement by LACOG-GU and educational support from Astellas Farma, in addition to the prestigious participation of renowned experts from all regionsof the country,the contents are specially designed for this initiative and present engaging formats to provide dynamism, standing out as a practical resource also referenced in the busy daily routine - for free access anywhere, anytime and fromany device.  Among the different contents you will find ASCO Daily News, pocket medical education classes to update essential topics in Clinical Practice, Expert Opinion, Podcasts, Clinical Challenges, world-renowned expert commentaries from Medicine Matters Oncology, besides other engaging formats. Visit and follow us on social media to get the latest contents.   Instagram: @conexaouroonco Linkedin: Conexão Uro-Onco

November is the month dedicated to raising awareness of men's health issues, in particular prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer type in men in Latin America and the third cause of death. Despite the significant advances in prostate cancer treatment in the last years, there are still patients that suffers from advanced disease.   According to Dr. Andrey Soares, a clinical oncologist at Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital and the Paulista Oncology Center, and Scientific Director of the LACOG Genitourinary Group, screening for this type of cancer (PSA and digital rectal exams) is simple and inexpensive, and makes a big difference in early diagnosis. “It is important to emphasize that diagnosis means we can assess an individual’s risk of dying from the disease. In many cases, when cancer is considered to be low risk, the patient doesn’t need any treatment, just monitoring. If diagnosed early, the chance of a cure is approximately 90%.”  But, as Dr. Soares explains, a significant number of patients, specially from public health system, in Latin America are being diagnosed advanced stage disease. "This is probably because it is hard to reach these people with awareness campaigns and screening programs therefore in some cases the health systems are inefficient, making it

LACOG’s objective is to improve cancer outcomes, focusing on the needs of Latin America. In order to achieve this goal, LACOG works in partnership with the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) which is an institution with members from over 1,100 organizations in 170 countries. The UICC represents the world's leading cancer societies, ministries of health and patient groups and includes government policy makers, researchers and specialists in cancer prevention. UICC was founded in 1933. The organization is an international cooperation network that aims to find ways to reduce the incidence of cancer in the world, as well as promote equity and ensure that controlling the disease is a priority for the global health. Over the years, the UICC has encouraged the development of cancer institutions, the sharing and exchange of knowledge, skills and technology, and the training of professionals who are engaged in preventing and controlling cancer. The organization contributes to scientific discussions, professional training programs and meetings aimed at producing cancer policies. Additionally, UICC promotes Virtual Exchanges which provide members the opportunity to ‘meet’, exchange knowledge, and share solutions. LACOG's partnership with UICC contributes to the establishment of strategic communication among their members, allowing them to join forces and work more effectively.

LACOG’s Genitourinary Group held the 4th GU Review International Symposium 2020 and the 2nd Multi-profession Symposium on October 29th to 31st. It was an entirely virtual event, due to the pandemic and featured 93 speakers, of whom 74 were Brazilian and 19 from other countries. Dr. Diogo Assed Bastos, the Chair of the LACOG Genitourinary Group, commented that the meeting had exceeded all expectations and that it was growing and becoming increasingly more significant every year. “Around 1800 registered for the event, including clinical oncologists, urologists, radiotherapists, pathologists, radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians. Around 90 of these were from other countries, mainly Latin America, such as Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. For the first time, the event had simultaneous translation, which helped to encourage more people to attend. The main purpose of the event is to provide a review of the most recently published work in the genitourinary field and encourage discussion on how these developments can be best applied, in order to help manage diseases such as prostate, bladder and kidney cancer. "The event was a great success, and the online format worked very well. As it was held over three days, we were able to offer a very flexible program

Frequently, the best cancer treatment option for patients is still based on data from clinical studies conducted in European countries or in the United States. There are few studies based on Latin American populations. But, according to Dr. Diogo Assed Bastos, it is time for Latin American countries to take part in the development of clinical studies in order to provide treatment options that are more adequate to Latin-American patients: We need studies to take place in Latin American countries in order to understand what the characteristics of these patients are and what responses are produced by different treatments Dr. Bastos currently works as an oncologist at Sírio-Libanês Hospital and at Instituto do Câncer de São Paulo (ICESP), in Brazil. Dr Bastos is a clinician and researcher specialized in Genito-urinary tumors. At present, he is the Chair of the LACOG Genito-urinary Group and coordinates studies in this field. Dr. Bastos is the Principal investigator of the Testicular Registry study (LACOG 0515), which is the most comprehensive germ cell tumor registry in Brazil. This study will allow investigators to identify clinical and pathological features of patients with germ cell tumor. Besides that, it will allow them to assess the most frequent treatment used and

The Brazilian Group for Thoracic Oncology (GBOT) is holding the “GBOT 2020 Online Symposium”, on November 6th and 7th, 2020 – an entirely online format for the first time.This well-established event is designed as an opportunity to discuss the main advances in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, as well as the latest evidence on tumor markers and the development of new drugs and treatments. If you are a clinical oncologist, thoracic and oncology surgeon, radiotherapist, pulmonologist, pathologist, or other professional working in thoracic oncology, sign up and participate!  Sign up here:

In August, the journal Clinical Genitourinary Cancer published the study “First-line treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the immuno-oncology era: systematic review and network meta-analysis”, authored by a group of researchers from the LACOG Genitourinary Group. According to Dr. Fernando Sabino, a clinical oncologist at the Oncology and Hematology Center at Santa Lúcia Hospital and the Hospital of the University of Brasilia, the aim of the study was to compare and classify the different regimens available for first-line treatment of metastatic kidney cancer.   This systematic review and meta-analysis has provided some important information on which treatments are most suitable for patients with this type of tumor, as there are, to date, no studies that compare the latest approaches, e.g. combining immunological agents of different classes or combining these agents with targeted molecular therapy.  “The established outcomes we looked at were overall survival, progression-free survival and response rates. The study concluded that the treatments using immunotherapy are superior to the standard treatment with Sunitinib, and that there is no one immunotherapy based treatment that is significantly superior to any other.”   In Dr. Sabino’s opinion, this study has had a significant impact on patients in Latin America, because five first-line line systemic therapeutic options