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  /    /  LACOG/GTG 0119 – NET

Multicenter retrospective database on prognostic and predictive factors in patients with neuroendocrine tumors

Type of Study: Epidemiological

Sponsor / Support: LACOG

Primary Objectives: Compare overall survival between TNE-BD vs CNE-PD and between functioning vs non-functioning tumors; and to evaluate the response rate, progression-free survival, clinical benefit, time until symptom control and the incidence of disease complications and / or treatment in each analyzed group.

Design: Retrospective, multicenter study that will evaluate patients with neuroendocrine tumor 

Sample Size: 300 patients

Principal Investigator: Rachel Riechelmann

Countries LATAM: Brazil Identifier: NCT05168631

The study is open to patients participation in the following research sites:

A.C. Camargo Câncer Center / São Paulo / SP / Brazil

Hospital Moinhos de Vento / Porto Alegre / RS / Brazil

Hospital Walter Cantídio / Fortaleza / CE / Brazil

Hospital Sírio-Libanês / Brasília / DF / Brazil

Fundaciòn Lòpez Pèrez / Metropolitan Region / Chile

Hospital de Gastroenterología Carlos Bonorino Udaondo / Argentina

Clínica AMO / Salvador / BA / Brazil

Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz / São Paulo / SP / Brazil

Instituto Alexander Fleming / Buenos Aires / Argentina

Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia (INCAN) / Mexico City / Mexico

Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) / Lima / Peru